Hello and Welcome to HowTVcutblackmenshair.com !
Over thirty-three years in the business of cutting hair and still learning, growing and sharing. Thanks for looking into my website here, browse around, I hope you find some useful insights and perspectives on cutting hair and the barber trade.
Please check out my latest book :"So, You Want To Be A Barber?: The Six Figure ($100,000.00) Barber" https://www.amazon.com/So-You-Want-Be-Barber-ebook/dp/B0893M7DXR
which is based on two of my most popular youtube videos: "SO, YOU WANT TO BE A BARBER"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXLr3jwINq4&t=1s and "THE SIX-FIGURE BARBER" https://www.amazon.com/So-You-Want-Be-Barber-ebook/dp/B0893M7DXR
In the above referenced book I draw from my extensive hair-cutting experience and dynamic barber career to give practicle insight and guidance pertaining to being a barber or becoming a barber. I attempt to deliver fresh and relevant perspective on the state-of-the-art (Barbering). The book is both retrospective and contemporary with eye to the future of the barber trade and professional hair-care industry. I share candid stories of my success, blunders and outright failures. The prospective or practicing barber should benefit from useful insights and the thoughtful perspectives of a seasoned professional barber.
Also, for now I welcome you to check out my photos, articles and product reviews. Thanks for looking in and enjoy the site.
Yours truly,
John L. Roseman, Sr.
Managing Director
[email protected]
Over thirty-three years in the business of cutting hair and still learning, growing and sharing. Thanks for looking into my website here, browse around, I hope you find some useful insights and perspectives on cutting hair and the barber trade.
Please check out my latest book :"So, You Want To Be A Barber?: The Six Figure ($100,000.00) Barber" https://www.amazon.com/So-You-Want-Be-Barber-ebook/dp/B0893M7DXR
which is based on two of my most popular youtube videos: "SO, YOU WANT TO BE A BARBER"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXLr3jwINq4&t=1s and "THE SIX-FIGURE BARBER" https://www.amazon.com/So-You-Want-Be-Barber-ebook/dp/B0893M7DXR
In the above referenced book I draw from my extensive hair-cutting experience and dynamic barber career to give practicle insight and guidance pertaining to being a barber or becoming a barber. I attempt to deliver fresh and relevant perspective on the state-of-the-art (Barbering). The book is both retrospective and contemporary with eye to the future of the barber trade and professional hair-care industry. I share candid stories of my success, blunders and outright failures. The prospective or practicing barber should benefit from useful insights and the thoughtful perspectives of a seasoned professional barber.
Also, for now I welcome you to check out my photos, articles and product reviews. Thanks for looking in and enjoy the site.
Yours truly,
John L. Roseman, Sr.
Managing Director
[email protected]
The "Bald Fade" haircut
While it may have been possible to do this haircut 100 years ago, it has certainly gotten easier and more common because of advancements made in clipper technology. A “True Bald Fade” has its’ base section shaven completely bald or as close as a pair of trimmers will cut the hair. This bald section is ultimately blended into additional sections which are cut at varying lengths depending on the final look desired. Likewise these sections can be configured in a variety of ways creating different effects with each configuration.
When I was attending Barber’s college, the “Bald Fade” haircut on Black patrons was the most difficult haircut for non-Black students to master. This may have been because they typically had no experience cutting Black men’s hair prior to enrolling into Barber’s college. Besides that, the haircut is inherently difficult, even for Blacks who have no prior haircutting experience. In spite of the “Bald Fade” being a difficult haircut, I did witness complete novice become exceptional at executing this challenging haircut.
In my book and video, I’ll share with you my unique system for doing this inherently difficult haircut with stunning results every time. Let me help you crack the code on the mother of all haircutting challenges; the “Bald Fade”.
When done well, this haircut always seems to draw eyes in like fine art work; with its seamless transitions in lengths. People stare, admire, and sometimes wonder, “How do they do that?” Order my video now, and let me show you tricks of the trade and shortcuts that I’ve developed and mastered over the past 25 years of my haircutting experience. At the height of this haircuts popularity, in the early 90’s, I can recall other barbers who worked with me stop their work and stare in amazement at how I was able to execute with perfection, these difficult haircuts in less than ten minutes at times. I was known for my ability to clear out a barber shop fast. Patrons were equally impressed when I handed them the mirror. My record was somewhere around 7 ½ minutes from start to finish on a “Bald Fade” haircut. In the shop that I was working in at the time, barbers were taking 45 minutes or longer on this type of haircut. At $10- $15 per haircut, my exceptional system for getting this haircut done fast, made for a great hourly rate on busy days.
Once you’ve mastered the “Bald Fade”, most other styles worn by Black men are variations of it and are accomplished using the same principles. Many other popular styles become much easier to do once you’ve mastered the “Bald Fade” .
What would the Barber business be without clients who leave a good tip ?
Thanks, and I hope you find information on this site most useful !